Status and/or questions

Do you want to check the status of your order? Or do you have a question regarding your order? Sign in at my Winparts. In your account, you can view, check and alter all the information we store with regard to your order.

You can check the status of your order in your account. Just click on 'more info' at the order it concerns. You will see all the details you want of that order. The progress bar will show how the order status develops.

I have a question
Do you have a question regarding your order? This is also something you can manage through your 'my Winparts'. After signing in click on 'more info' at the order it concerns. Scroll down a bit to you see "Status/Questions". This is an easy and convenient way to check and submit questions regarding your specific order. The remarks and questions are sent straight to the customer services representative who takes care of your order.

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