Turbo’s Hoet is een van Europa’s grootste turbospecialisten. Met haar persoonlijke benadering en hoge servicegraad helpen ze spelers in diverse marktsegmenten vooruit. Ongeacht of dat nu voor een personenwagen, vrachtwagen, (land)bouwmachine, maritieme of industriële toepassing is. Nationale en internationale wholesalers, regionale grossiers, garagisten en monteurs vertrouwen op de uitgebreide garanties, persoonlijke technische ondersteuning en specialistische kennis van Hoet.
Delivery time
Expected delivery date:
This item is subject to a deposit-return fee. After returning the old part, the deposit-return fee will be fully
How does this work?
You return the old part – the part you have disassembled from your car - in the original packaging of the received
new part. This ensures that the manufacturer has a clear and immediate understanding which product number it
concerns. After the ability to recycle the part (see below for more information) has been checked and approved, the
deposit-return fee will be refunded to the same bank account number. The bank account number from which the initial
payment had been made.
Which issues do I need to consider?
The manufacturer will evaluate the part if it is applicable to recycling. Is the part broken or otherwise
unrepairably damaged, by say a right angle grinder? The manufacturer will not be able to re-use the part and will
reject reimbursement. In this case you can’t claim reclamation of the paid deposit-return fee. Naturally, Winparts
will not reimburse the fee to you if the manufacturer rejects the old part. Processing time can take up to 2 weeks.
I return the used part, will I receive a new one?
Yes - the housing is often re-used, the part itself is completely new. You’ll have an improved original part with
full warranty of the manufacturer. Of course you can count on it that the part meets all kind of rigorous quality